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Primary / Secondary / Tertiary / Quaternary / Hammers
The types of Impact Crushers Metalomarão are Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary and Hammers, these are characterized by their robustness, versatility, ease of maintenance and reliability.
The Impact Crushers Primary and Secondary Metalomarão are designed and built for primary and secondary applications, obtaining excellent performances in low abrasive materials. Such as limestone and recycling.
The Impact Crushers Tertiary and Quaternary Metalomarão are designed and built for tertiary and quaternary applications. They can be Gravelers which have excellent cubicity performances of materials and Sandmaker presenting great performances in the production of sand from gravels.
The Hammers Mills Metalomarão are designed and built for low abrasive materials, such as limestone and ceramic. The opening of the grid applied within the crusher varies the production values.
Notes: Production values dependent on the material. Other measures on request.